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Approved Derbigum Contactors (ADC's)


Alumanation Roofing and Waterproofing
Tel 031 569 2954
Fax 031 569 1806
Email email Alumanation
Contact Person John Harrison
Mobile 082 552 5072
Contact Person Memuel Vermeulen
Mobile 083 326 5842
Barrier Waterproofing
Tel 031 700 9313
Fax 031 792 1226
Email email Barrier W/proofing
Contact Person Allan Gosher
Mobile 084 502 3427
DMC - Desren Maintenance Contractors
Contact Person Mike Manthey
Mobile 083 375 9136
Email email DMC
Grarit Waterproofing
Tel 033 386 3585
Fax 033 386 6156
Email email Grarit
Contact Person Grant Urquhart
Mobile 084 623 0351
Contact Person Rita Powen
Mobile 083 982 6721
Industrial Linings Natal
Tel 031 579 1549 
Fax 031 579 1503
Email email Industrial Linings
Contact Person Anton Fouché
Mobile 082 491 7550
MTTE Waterproofing Solutions
Tel 031 577 7698 / 0652 
Fax 031 577 7699
Email email MTTE
Contact Person Thami Ndlovu
Mobile 083 534 7315
Contact Person Mlu Ndlovu
Mobile 082 534 5753
Natal Cladding
Tel 031 705 1177
Fax 031 705 1225
Email email Natal Cladding
Contact Person Rodney Green
Mobile 083 635 7896
Contact Person Sean Christie
Mobile 083 626 7771
Thekweni Roofing and Waterproofing
Tel 031 464 1653/4
Fax 031 464 1655
Email email Thekweni Roofing
Contact Person John Daniel
Mobile 083 229 3672
Contact Person Shane Griffin
Mobile 083 654 9628
United Waterproofing
Tel 031 822 7052
Fax 086 637 3616
Email email United Waterproofing
Contact Person Chris Oldewage
Mobile 083 787 7052
Contact Person Raj Ramlakhan
Mobile 083 787 7051

South Coast Area

Tel 039 317 4077
Fax 039 317 3664
Email email Weatherseal
Contact Person Craig Charlton
Mobile 082 655 1685